Online ISSN: 2577-5669

A Conceptual Framework of the Characteristics of the Clinical Faculty Members in Medicine

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Soleiman Ahmady , Leila Afshar , Mohammad Sadegh Dehghan* , Fatemeh Javidan
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.01.37


Introduction: Providing an exact definition of the characteristics of effective clinical faculty members in medicine is challenging. The purpose of the present study is to determine the characteristics of the clinical teacher. Material and Methods: Primarily, 1750 full texts of scientific resource, were determined after reviewing, and having in-depth and detailed reviewed, 30 scientific resource were selected for review. Finally a conceptual framework was developed for the characteristics of the clinical faculty members in medicine. Results: Five themes and subjects including: human and individual, being a physician, being a teacher, being a researcher and academic executive management and educational leadership dimensions of clinical faculty members in medicine and 33 components and 966 elements, were extracted. The characteristics that were extractable for the clinical teacher under each of the main content themes in any of the newer literatures gain more components and elements by passing time. Conclusion: Scientific identification of the essential characteristics of clinical faculty members in medicine, and its theoretical foundations is necessary, consequently the results are used for developing the recruitment, employment, evaluation and empowerment policies of clinical faculty members in medicine, as well as developing the tools for measuring the characteristics and abilities of clinical faculty members in medicine.

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