Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Assessment of Mothers’ Performance Regarding Care of their Children Suffering from Croup

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Mohamed Abdelghany Abdelrehim, Huwida Hamdy Abd-Elmonem, Safaa Salah Ismail
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.05.40


Background: Croup is a common viral respiratory illness seen in the pediatric population. It's a self-limited disease that can be managed easily at home, however the disease can be severe enough to cause a life threatening injury and death. Aim: This study aimed to assess mothers’ performanceregardingcare of their children suffering from croup. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized in the current study. Settings: This study was conducted at pediatric emergency, outpatient, and inpatient departments in Mostafa Hassan Hospital affiliated to Fayoum University Hospital, Fayoum General Hospital and Helwan General Hospital affiliated to Ministry of Health. Sample:A purposive sample of96 mothers and their children. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection, 1st tool: A structured interview questionnaire to assess mothers knowledge regarding care of their children suffering from croup, 2nd tool: mother reported practices to assess mothers care of their children suffering from croup,and 3rd tool: attitude -type rating scaleto assess mothersattitude regarding care of their children suffering from croup. Results: Revealed that, the mean age of studiedmothers was 33.57±4.62 years and more than two third of the studied mothers had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding care of their children suffering from croup. Also, more than half of the studied mothers had inadequate practices and had negative attitude regarding care of their children suffering from croup. Conclusion: Based on results of the present study, it can be concluded that,there were statistically significant relation between the studied mothers total level of knowledge, reported practices and attitude and their characteristics namely; age, educational level and residence with p- value <0.001. Recommendations: Constantly education altraining program form others to increase their knowledge, practices and attitude regarding care of their children suffering from croup.

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