Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Assessment of operation theatre complex efficiency and utilization at a 750 bedded multispeciality hospital, Mumbai, India

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Sanket Veling*, Neha Ahire
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.04.23


Introduction: The operation theatre complex of a hospital represents an area of considerable spending in a hospital budget and requires utmost utilization to guarantee optimum cost benefit. Operating room (OR) functions with a lot of resources. Thus, any form of inappropriate functioning will cause revenue loss as well as decreased quality of patient care and satisfaction. Any delay in the Operation theatre is detrimental to the image and overall functioning of the hospital and ways to reduce the delays are a key to improve patient care and to maximise consumption of the resources in operating room Objective: To determine OR utilization and efficiency in the OT complex. Methodology: A prospective study was done from 1st May 2019 to 15th May 2019 in the OT complex of a 750 bedded Multispecialty Hospital in Mumbai, India. OT utilization and efficiency over a time period of two months was studied with respect to number of operation theatres, working hours in that particular study period, OR working capacity, Utilized hours.. Results: Collected data showed that ORs were serviceable for 52 days through the study period and in that period 726 cases were operated. Total OR utilization time was 1820 hours for the study period. Collected data showed that in a two-month period from 1st May 2019 to 30th June 2019 there was the highest utility of 58% (OR 2) whereas there was the lowest utility of 27 % (OR 3) in the 5th floor OT complex. However, considering the entire 5th floor OT complex, actual utilized OT hours were only 655 out of the available 1820 hours during the study period. Thus a utility of 36% only was seen. Conclusion: Integrated time management and time utilization will result in a cost reduction, increase in hospital revenues with improved quality and patient satisfaction. Improving the performance of operating theatres is key to achieving shorter waiting times for treatment, implementing booking of elective operations and reducing canceled operations. Any delays in the operation theatre are detrimental to the image and overall functioning of the hospital and different methods to reduce these delays are a key to improve patient care which will eventually maximise consumption of the resources in the operating room.

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