Volume 16 | Issue 2
Volume 16 | Issue 2
Volume 16 | Issue 1
Volume 16 | Issue 1
Volume 16 | Issue 1
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder of ageing, osteoarthritis is now considered to be a joint disorder resulting from damage and repair to cartilage and reaction in the surrounding bone. The patient complains initially of pain on movement, and over a period the joint becomes stiffer and stiffer, gradually fixing in the position of maximum comfort. The muscles around the joint tend to waste and weakness sets in, further hampering the patient’s mobility. Eventually the joint may actually collapse, the limb shortens and the joint may lose its normal alignment. The homoeopathic medicines are effective in reducing pain of patient with osteoarthritis of knee joint as well as changes in accompanying symptoms along with variations in pain on a case of osteoarthritis of knee joint and the medicines affective in improving pain of osteoarthritis of knee joint.