Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Correlation Between TLR-2 and Staphyllococcal infection in patients with bladder diseases

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Zeana S. Al-Hindi ,Huda H. Al-Hasnawy, Haider A. R. Alkafaji
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.01.18


Bladder diseases are one of the most common pathological conditions in word. Cystitis is acute condition happened as a result of bacterial inflammation that can be progresses to bladder cancer. 100 urine sample were collected from patients with cystitis and bladder cancer at period from March 2021 to December 2021 in Hilla province.This study was done to isolate staphylococcus bacteria and determine immune status for bladder diseases caused by Staphylococcus saprophyticus by estimating the concentration of TLR-2 as an immune marker in urine. The rate of specimens that gave a positive result for bacteriological cultures were 23.4% for bladder cancer while 76.6% negative result compare to cystitis as 70% and 30% respectively. The percentage of S. saprophyticus isolated and diagnosed in positive culture as a pure growth of S. saprophyticus in two groups, bladder cancer and cystitis was 11.8% and 14% respectively. The incidence of cystitis and bladder cancer appear in both sexes, male showed highly rate of infection than female 68% , 32.6% respectively . Bladder diseases were appeared in different age group, (56-71) years showed highly infection rate. Immunological test to urine of patients with bladder diseases referred to significant increasing in the concentration of TLR-2 for all patients with bladder cancer at different1 age groups1, compared to cystitis and highest concentration of them in the age group (56-71) years ( 7.696 ± 0.235 ng/ml) , This study referred to the role of cellular immune response through bladder diseases.

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