Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Global Challenges of Modern Era: Cardiovascular Diseases at The Beginning of XXI Century

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Elena Korableva* , Tatyana Bocharova , Lidia Sklyar , Valentina Shakolyukova
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.03.01


At the beginning of XXI century cardiovascular diseases continue to be the most significant problem for modern medicine as the field of theoretical scientific knowledge, practical medicine, social, economic and domestic political spheres of activity in most countries of the world, and against the background of the outbreak of modern pandemics they have taken on the outlines of serious challenges to humanity, its viability. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that the population of the whole world feels the consequences of cardiovascular diseases expressed in the steady disability of the adult population, demographic decline, low life expectancy and high mortality rates. As analyzed in the article, these facts have become a serious basis for finding the ways to combat cardiovascular diseases on a global scale coordinating the actions and efforts of different countries in a single common task. In the work the author focuses the main attention on how important it is to convey the message to the international community that the problem of cardiovascular diseases is not only a strictly medical one and that it is beyond the power of healthcare organizations to solve it alone, even having mobilized all their capabilities. The purpose of the research:To create a general picture of cardiovascular pathology in the modern world as a global social problem in order to find ways to correct the activities of national and international health organizations, as well as non-medical organizations to combat heart pathologies. Research objectives: 1. To analyze the epidemiological picture of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the world. 2. To find the influence of risk factors, lifestyle and social conditions on CVD prevalence. 3. To analyze the main risk factor for CVD – arterial hypertension. 4. To assess the global vision of national strategies for combating CVD. The methodology of this study is based on the foundations of: - analysis and assessment of the state of CVD problem in the modern world;- consideration of this problem in directions (causes, prevalence rate, methods of treatment, prevention of heart diseases) to find optimal and effective measures to combat CVD;- determination of the interrelations of the existing root causes of the widespread occurrence of CVD in order to combine international efforts and organize a comprehensive struggle with them;- detection of the probability and chance of a modern person to become a victim of CVD and the opportunity to receive medical and social aid in this regard. Scientific novelty:- the research was conducted with the comparative analysis aimed at studying the influence of CVD risk factors in various regions of the Earth;- the interrelationship of risk factors, in particular arterial hypertension, with CVD progress was established;Practical significance of the work: - it is demonstrated that smoking, physical inactivity, alcoholism, diabetes mellitus (as a concomitant disease) are linked with CVD development;- it is confirmed that social risk factors increase the risk of CVD. The results of the analysis of epidemiological situation of cardiovascular diseases in the world can be used to replenish the information database of risk factors for cardiac pathologies and, based on this information, help to create new programs to combat CVD and update the existing long-term programs. The author comes to the conclusion that only the cohesion of the efforts of all people of good will on a global scale is capable of resisting such serious challenge of our time as cardiovascular diseases.

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