Online ISSN: 2577-5669

In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity and estimation of Epicatechin from the fruit extract of Prunus armeniaca L using HPTLC technique

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R.V Geetha* , T Lakshmi


In current time, recent era of science and medication advancement and the need to discover new fixes reignited enthusiasm for a portion of the antiquated customs just as to investigate the quickly growing field of phyto-pharmacology and phyto-science notwithstanding current improvements in present day clinical science. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L) so named by Romans is an exceptionally awesome and sound organic product that gives various medical advantages. The current investigation is to assess the antimicrobial movement and estimation of Epicatechin from the natural product concentrate of Prunus armeniaca L utilizing HPTLC technique.In this examination, we have made an endeavor to evaluate Epicatechin present in the Prunus armeniaca organic product remove by HPLC strategy and furthermore to screen the antibacterial action as it is known for its restorative advantages . The Prunus armeniaca natural product separate was chromatographed on silica gel GF254 plates with Toluene: EA: FA: MeOH (3: 3: 0.4: 0.1) as versatile stage for epicatechin estimation. Location and measurement were performed by densitrometric scanning,at 280 nm. The counter bacterial action was screened utilizing plate dissemination strategy and the zone of restraint was estimated in mm distance across. The concentrate indicated noteworthy antibacterial movement against the bacterial strains tried. The normal recuperation of Epicatechin was seen as 0.81 %. The HPTLC technique has given a decent goals of Epicatechin from different constituents present in the ethanolic extract.

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