Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Isolation, Identification, Characterization and Antimicrobial Study of Probiotic from Sauerkraut

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ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2021.12.02.29


Background and Objectives: Long term use of Antibiotics, sedentary lifestyle, and change in the diet pattern is responsible for dysbiosis of microbiota. Dysbiosis of microbiota is the etiological factors of chronic diseases. Probiotics are livemicroorganisms, which show beneficial health effects on hosts once consumed insufficient amounts may be the prophylaxis approach for chronic disease. LAB groupcan be isolated and characterized from traditional dairy sources and fermented product. This study aimed at isolating, identifying, and in vitro characterizing(morphology, catalase, oxidase test 16 S rRNA Sequencing and PhylogeneticAnalysis) LAB strains from traditional Sauerkraut. Materials and Methods: Isolated strains were identified by Gram staining, catalaseassay, and molecular identification methods; 16S rDNA gene sequencing, phylogenystudy, antipathogenic study and antibiotic susceptibility Assay. Results: The experiments revealed that Pediococcus pentosaceus DSM 20336 (T)strains, which were isolated sauerkraut shows a desirable tolerance to low pH and high bile salts, favourable anti-pathogen activity, and acceptable antibioticsusceptibility; hence, they could be considered as novel probiotic candidates forpreventing and treating the chronic disease

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