Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Kounis Syndrome And D-Dimer Elevation After Bee Sting

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Ömer Yüceer , Turgut Dolanbay , Mustafa Cihan Altay
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.04.10


Bee stings can cause a wide variety of clinical presentations, from a simple local lesion to anaphylaxis. Kounis syndrome is the development of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) with activation of mast cells associated with allergy, hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions. It has a large clinical spectrum from chest pain to AMI and that accompanies a subclinical, clinical, acute or chronic allergic reaction. Medications, foods, insect bites, bee stings and intracoronary stent placement may set off the allergic reaction. In this case, we presented a 50-year-old male patient with Kounis syndrome, which is one of the rare complications of bee sting, and our patient had elevated blood D-Dimer level, a first in the literature.

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