Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Localization of the Picker’s Patient-Centered Care Model in Isfahan’s Social Security Hospitals

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Amir Hossein Farhadfar , Amir Ashkan Nasiripour * , Kamran Haji Nabi
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.04.29


Introduction and Objectives: Nowadays, patient-centeredness is considered as a global issue, and according to American Medical Institute, it is one of the main components of the quality of health care. The purpose of this study was to localize Picker's patient-centered care model in Isfahan’s Social Security Hospitals. Study Design: The study design was descriptive, applied and crosssectional since it was conducted at one point of time (May-August 2018) among 300 experts from Isfahan’s Social Security Hospitals . Methods: Initially, after studying different patient-centered models, the American Picker Institute model was selected. Then, using a questionnaire, expert judgment, descriptive and inferential tests, SPSS and AMOS software, a localized model was designed and implemented. Results: In this study, a model was developed with eight main domains and 59 components. Among the dimensions of the model, providing information and education to the patient (0.934) had the highest factor load, while the respect for the patient's choice (0.585) showed the minimum factor load. Among its components, the cleanliness of the WCs for patients (0.849), training of post-discharge services especially in emergency situations (0.829), and regular provision of nursing services to the patients (0.815) had the highest factor load. Conclusion: Presenting a native model can be a rational tool for assessing organizational performance. In addition to child-friendlyhospitals, maternity-friendly hospitals and safety-friendly hospitals, patient-centered hospitals should also be considered. Also, by implementing a patient-centered nursing care method, one can provide the necessities of implementing it in hospitals.

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