Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Nurses' Performance Regarding Implementation of Pressure Ulcers Care Bundle at Intensive Care Units

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Elsayed Mohamed Elsayed Ibrahim, Zeinab Hussein Ali, Sabah Nagah Hassan, Tamer Sayed Abdelmola
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.05.34


Background: Pressure ulcers prevention strategies remain at the forefront of health care prevention measures. Care bundles that combine evidence-based interventions are more effective in preventing pressure ulcers development. Aim: this study aimed to assess nurses' performance regarding implementation of pressure ulcers care bundle at the intensive care unit. Design: A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized to achieve the aim of this study. Setting: This study was conducted at the intensive care units at Fayoum University hospital. Subjects: A convenient sample of 80 nurses working at the previous mentioned intensive care units was included in the study. Tools: Data were collected using the following three tools: Tool (I): Self-administered questionnaire, Tool (II): Nurses' practices observational checklist, Tool (III): Nurses' attitude regarding pressure ulcer prevention. Results: This study showed that 90% of the studied nurses aged from 20 to less than 30 and 82.5% of the nurses had technical nursing institute qualification. Only 11.3% & 6.3% of the studied nurses had satisfactory level of knowledge and competent practices respectively, while, 66.3% of them had total positive attitude regarding pressure ulcers and pressure ulcers care. Conclusion: The minority of the studied nurses had satisfactory level of knowledge and total competent practices scores regarding pressure ulcers and pressure ulcers care bundle, whereas, two thirds of them had total positive attitude regarding pressure ulcers prevention. Recommendations: Dissemination of the skin care bundle to improve nurses’ performance toward skin care to prevent skin breakdown and decrease its complications.

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