Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Polymeric nanoparticle of Ebastine: Formulation, Characterization and in vitro Evaluation

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Hajer Sh. Ali* , Nawal A. Rajab
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.01.03


The main aim of this research work was the development and evaluation of polymeric nanoparticle to increase stability of nanoparticles and keeping them at nano size and solve the main disadvantage of nanoparticles which is that they have an affinity to aggregate and form bulky particles sizes with time and improve saturation solubility of poorly soluble Ebastine (EBS) to treat allergic condition. EBS is practically insoluble in water (class II, according to BCS). For the synthesis of PNPs, the solvent evaporation technique was used, and three different types of stabilizer that used (HPMC E5, Soluplus, tween 80). The particle size analysis indicated that the optimized formula EBS 9 had a reduced nanoparticulate size of 42 nm, with a 100 percent increase in in-vitro dissolution profile compared to 17 percent for the comparison Ebastine powder in 0.1 N HCl medium (1.2 pH). As a result, polymeric nanoparticles formulation of weakly water soluble EBS greatly improved stability of NP, the drugs dissolution rate and increased its solubility.

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