Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Problems and Prospects of the Implementation of the All-Russian Physical Culture-Sports “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD) Complex on the Example of Vologda State University

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Alexander V. Nikulin , Lyudmila G. Avdonina ,Evgeniya L. Belova , Оlga I. Bushmanova , Irina N. Katkanova
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.32


The article “Problems and Prospects of the Implementation of the AllRussian Physical Culture-Sports “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD) Complex on the Example of Vologda State University” identifies the main problems of introducing the RLD Complex in the educational activities of the university; studies the contribution of the main social institutions that influence the formation of students' readiness to pass the control tests of the RLD Complex, substantiates the need for work aimed at increasing the motivation of students to pass the standards of the RLD Complex. The main directions of the organization of activities, prompting students to prepare and pass the tests of the RLD Complex, are formulated; the interpretation of the research results in the issue of students' attitude to the tests of the All-Russian Physical Culture-Sports “RLD” Complex is given.

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