Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Review Of Physiological Responses to Eight-Week Basketball Train

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Abdullah Demirli*, Emre Yamaner , Eda Gökçelik, Abdorreza Eghbal Moghanlou
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.03.25


Purpose: is to learn the positive effects of regular participation in sports on hematological parameters. In this direction, the current study aims to review the physiological responses to basketball trainings carried out for eight weeks. Method: 16 volunteer male basketball players with a mean age of 18.40±.51 years and with a mean height of 171.50±2.36 cm were included in the research. The pre-test/post-test design of experimental research was used in the study. For this purpose, the pre-test values of the participants before the trainings started and the post-test values of the participants after eight weeks were collected in laboratory environment by experts (on an empty stomach). The collected data was analyzed via SPSS 2.0 package software, and Wilcoxon Rank Test was applied to compare the descriptive statistics and the pre- and post-training values. Findings: According to the results obtained from the research findings, a meaningful difference between the Weight, Body Fat Percentage and (Blood Lipids Triglyceride, HDL, LDL and cholesterol) levels before and after the applied training program (p<0.05) was found. On the other hand, a meaningful change was identified between the pre-test/post-test AST and ALT values (p<0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, we can say that the applied basketball training program had positive physiological effects on the participants. It is undeniable that the regular exercising helps better the individuals in terms of mental health, physical health as well as physiologically. Therefore, it would be correct to direct individuals to sports branches for increasing the participation in exercising. Basketball, one of such sports branches and the subject of our study, is an important sports branch as it can easily be played in the street, venues, etc. and in every field.

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