Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Survey of animals and their products used in traditional medicine in Jos and Bukuru metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria

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Zainab Muhammad , Ishaku L. Elisha , Oyebade K. Funmi , Makoshi M. Shehu, Shok B. Zataat, Joy G. Usman , Hong Joseph , Akogwu E. Itodo , Akpojosevbe E. James, Tondo B. Kpensalen , Joy G. Usman, Hong Joseph, Akogwu E. Itodo, Akpojosevbe E. Gotep J. Gofwan, Bitrus Yakubu, Muhammad Maryam
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.04.09


Potent elixirs used for recreational and medical purposes are often prepared using by-products and parts of both wild and domesticated animals. In traditional medicine, they are used to manage both physical and spiritual illnesses. This study surveyed the various animals and animal products used in zootherapeutics in Bukuru and Jos metropolis, in Plateau State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were distributed to traditional healers, herb vendors and people willing to participate in the research. We carried out the survey between the months of January and March, 2022. The leaders of traditional healers’ associations, butchers and abattoir workers were subjected to extensive oral interviews. The highest percentage (43.7%) of the respondents were within ages of 31- 45 years, while 60.6% were males. A total of 38 different animals were used for different zootherapeutic purposes against a plethora of diseases, which include sickle cell anaemia, diabetes, asthma, erectile dysfunction, infertility, cancer, stroke, jaundice, leprosy, toothache, epileptic seizures, bone fractures, rabies, rheumatism and other conditions. Prominent animal parts or by-products used in the survey include head, skin, gall bladder, urine, faeces, fats and oil. There is a generous wealth of knowledge in the application of animals and their cardiovascular disorders, bacterial and viral infections require empirical validation via biological and pharmacological examinations.

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