volume 15 | Issue 4
volume 15 | Issue 4
volume 15 | Issue 4
volume 15 | Issue 4
volume 15 | Issue 4
Background: stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes. Aim: to assess the burden of informal caregivers resulting from providing care for stroke patients.Design: A descriptive research design was used in this study. Sample: A Convenient sample equal 150 informal caregivers of patients with stroke.Setting: This study was conducted in stroke outpatient clinic in El- Kaser El Aieny at Cairo University. Tools: One tool was used; interviewing questionnaire sheet composed of 4 parts demographic data of patient, informal caregivers’ knowledge about stroke, the reported practice of the informal caregivers about the stroke and assessing burdens of the informal caregiver for stroke patients.Results: the study result revealed 87.3% of studied caregivers have low level of knowledge related to stroke disease. While 8.7% of them had average level of knowledge related to stroke disease and 4% of them had high level of knowledge related to stroke disease, 78% of studied caregivers had inadequate level of practices, while 22.0% of them have adequate level of practices for caring stroke patient , 68% of studied informal caregiver had sever level of burden and 27.3% of them had moderate level of burden, while 4.7% of them have mild level of burden. Conclusion: The most of informal caregivers had a low knowledge about stroke however more than three quarters of studied sample reported inadequate practice about stroke and two thirds of informal caregivers had sever burden.Recommendations: Developing health educational programs that would help informal caregivers to improve knowledge, practice and reduce burden regarding patient with stroke.