Volume 16 | Issue 2
Volume 16 | Issue 2
Volume 16 | Issue 1
Volume 16 | Issue 1
Volume 16 | Issue 1
The author has attempted to understand whether role of electronically gadgets and technological services on student lifestyle and mental health social relationship. This study was conducted on the sample of 50 students of SKU College Jaipur in India using stratified random sampling technique. Results indicated that higher education students had regular headache & Low Conscious problems due to addictively using of gadgets and technologically services. Those students who are limited user of technological devices are better to thinking in comparison addictive user who use more than 6 hours. Most of students are suffering from depression due to busy life and stressful study enviourment and competition and they are think addiction to social media, Mobile Phone are consume their most of important time so they could not focus on their study. It means the critical thinking consciousness and mental health are affected by gadgets & internet services like social media etc. It is being discussed that non addictive use of technological are playing positive role in students’ education.