Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Assessment of Class Ii Ceramic Inlays Done in Mandibular Molars- A Retrospective Analysis

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Manthra Prathoshni.S , Mahalakshmi.J* , Visalakshi Ramanathan
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.03.36


In recent years, aesthetics in dentistry has become increasingly more important to patients, since aesthetics play a huge role in increasing the confidence levels of people. The main goal of a dentist is to be aware of advantages and disadvantages of different restorative systems with aesthetic appearance available for the restoration of posterior teeth. The aesthetically pleasing restorative treatment options available are resin composites , which can be added directly into the cavity and has limited applications and Ceramic inlays, which require thorough processing and has wider applications.Ceramic inlays may provide a high level of wear resistance and aesthetics and is favoured among dentists and patients alike.The main aim of this study is to assess the number of Class II Ceramic inlays done.About 30 case sheets of patients who underwent class II ceramics restoration between June 2019 - April 2020 from a Private Dental College in Chennai. The collected data were analysed using SPSS statistics and Barcharts were plotted for the collected data. Results showed that there was equal gender distribution among the study group( 50% males and 50% females ) and that the common site for class II ceramic inlays among lower molars was mandibular first molar (64.29%). Within the limits of this study, class II ceramic inlays were found to be more prevalent and the most commonly involved teeth were mandibular first molars.

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