Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Comparative Evaluation of Post-Operative Pain Using Endoflas and Endoflas Powder with Turmeric Gel as Obturating Materials for Pulpectomy in Primary Teeth: A Double Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial

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» doi: 10.5455/ jcmr.2021.12.02.28


Background: Endodontic treatment in children is complex and encompasses occurrence of post-operative pain which needs to be diligently managed for achieving successful treatment outcomes. Occurrence of post-operative pain is multifactorial in origin and every possible preventive measures should be incorporated in the treatment protocols to make root canal treatment effective and painless for children. Aim: The present study aims to comparatively evaluate the occurrence of postoperative pain on using Endoflas and Endoflas powder with Turmeric gel (EPTG) as obturating materials for pulpectomy in primary mandibular molars. Materials and Methods: A single-centered double-blinded randomized controlled trial was designed for recruiting children in an age group of 4-9 years with a chief complaint of night pain and requiring pulpectomy procedure were enrolled into the present study. On completion of pulpectomy an immediate post-operative intra-oral periapical radiograph (IOPAR) was obtained to assess the quality of obturation using the modified Coll and Sadrian’s criteria. Pre- and post-operative pain assessment was done using the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (WB-FPRS) during the 1st week of follow-up interval. Results: Highest percentage of optimal fillings (12/60.0%) were found in Endoflas followed by EPTG (8/40.0%) group. Severe degree of post-operative pain was experienced in more number of overfilled children followed by underfilled and optimal filled children. During 1st week of follow-up interval, post-operative painexperience was more in children obturated with EPTG compared to children obturated with Endoflas. Conclusions: Meticulous management of post-operative pain in children is the essence of successful treatment in paediatric dentistry. Prior knowledge of obturation quality and the resorption status of an obturating material on overfilling can serve as necessary guidelines to alleviate the perceived post-operative pain with effective management. EPTG can thus be suitably used as a promising obturating material in primary teeth.

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