Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Comparatıve Study Of Mycobıota Of Some Relıct Plants Included To The Flora Of Azerbaıjan

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Panah Z. Muradov, Gulnar Ch. Gasimova , Nizami R. Namazov , Natella H. Sultanova, Sabiya M. Jabrailzade
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.30


The aim of the presented article is to carry out the comparative analysis of some relict trees included to the flora of Azerbaijan with regards to species composition of their mycobiota, eco-trophic relations and spread degree of pathologies they cause as well as interrelations between them. It became clear that generally fungus species present in the formation of mycobiota of relict plants which is low rather than other tree plants. Insufficiency of mycobiota, which results in relative low number of pathologies in compare with other trees give opportunity to highlight greater possibilities of use of relict plants in different purposes, initially in landscaping of the urbanized territories. Participation of fungi damaging seriously the plants by causing dangerous diseases in the formation of mycobiota in a low number, antogonist relation of some fungi with spread ability in the relict plants against phytopathogens can be considered as one of the causes for coming of these plants from the remote past up to now.

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