Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Complementarity of Technological and Social Development in the Conditions of Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Svetlana V. Tutunnikova, Dmitriy A. Riabovol
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.01.50


This article presents the concept of interdependent technological and social development in the process of deployment of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. New breakthrough technologies, the expansion of artificial intelligence, require their merger with humanitarian knowledge. The formation of adequate forms of adaptation to completely new conditions of development is closely related to complementary interaction between the technology and social management.Ousting of a human from the material production itself, driven by the emerging digital economy, creates numerous threats and challenges in both the educational sphere and employment. Lack of proper dynamics in changing of socio-economic institutions and weak internal regulators of human behavior can lead to the set of negative consequences. It is proved in the article, that the basis of the future society will be formed through interdependent technological and humanitarian development. There is an urgent need for reformatting of the state policy in the field of social design, changing the social sphere aimed at the intellectual and spiritual development of man.

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