Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Complete metopism in adult craniological material

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Anar Abdullayev
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.05.13


The material for the study was 60 male and 91 female skulls with known age and gender and belonging to the adult age period (21–60 years). The study used the cranioscopic method. Only cases with complete metopism, i.e., uninterrupted metopic suture between nasion and bregma points, were investigated. For analyzing the obtained arithmetic data, the Pearson Chi-Square Test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used. Statistical analysis was carried out using the program "IBM Statistics SPSS-26". In the 60 male skulls studied, the metopic suture was absent in 56 (93.3%) cases. Complete metopism was found on four (6.7%) of the male skulls. A study of 91 female skulls showed that 82 (90.1%) had no metopic suture. On nine adult female skulls, a metopic suture was found, which amounted to 9.9%. In all cases with complete metopism, the metopic suture was continuous and followed between the nasion and bregma points. The use of the Pearson Chi-Square Test and the Mann-Whitney U test showed that the difference in frequency between the male and female skulls was not statistically significant Pχ² = 0.490; PU=0.491.

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