Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Effect of Yoga Breathing Manuevers (Shitali and Sitkari Pranayama) on Heat Stress Management

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» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2021.12.02.20


Background: Heat stress is a common problem, particularly in a tropical country like India. Ancient Hatha Yogic texts suggest that practice of Shitali and Sitkari pranayama (SSP) to give relief from thirst sensation and the feeling of coolness in the body. This motivates us to ask the following research question: Can a common person get benefit through these pranayamas in a hot and humid climate? Objectives: To study the role of yoga breathing maneuvers i.e. Shitali and Sitkari pranayama practice (SSP) in the heat stress management. Methods: During one hour heat exposure (HEx) at 40±2°C, humidity 78±2%, and WBGT 37.5±0.3°C, 20 healthy, young, yoga practitioners did SSP and again without SSP after 3 Weeks. Their bodyweight (Bw), skin temperature (Tsk), heartrate (HR), oral temperature (Tor) and thirst sensation were periodically monitored. Results: The sweat loss, without SSP (320±105.63 gm) was found to be significantly higher (p<0.05) than with SSP (240 ± 82.08 gm). In case of the 1st set, the thirst sensation significantly reduced (p<0.05) from 29.35±11.85 mm to 22.2±12.57 mm; whereas for the 2nd set, it significantly increased (p<0.05) from 21.25 ±9.52 mm to 34.25 ±13.22 mm.However, the other three parameters did not show any significant difference between the two sets but In HEx, Mean Tor and HR (45th and 60th minute) were relatively lower with SSP than without SSP. Conclusion: SSP helps to combat heat stress by preserving body fluid and better control over the thirst sensation.

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