Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Efficacy of Lung Age and Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Screening Biofeedback on the Older Adults’ Smoking Quit Rate: Randomized Controlled Study

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Ashraf Abdelaal Mohamed Abdelaal , Sameer Abdul Rahman Yamani , Nasser Alshamarani , Mohammed S. Jamal
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2024.15.01.10


Background: The majority of smokers wish to stop smoking, but need effective support to succeed. Purpose: To investigate the efficacy of informing the old adults’ smokers their lungs’ ages and the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risks on the smoking quit rate. Methods: 130 active cigarette smokers, aged 40-65 years were randomly allocated into group-I (study group; n=67) and group-II (control group; n=63). Initially, the lung age and the CVD risk were determined. The smoking quiet rate was evaluated pre-study (evaluation-1), after 12 interventional weeks (evaluation2), and 8 weeks post-study cessation (follow-up; evaluation-3). Participants in both groups received a 10-minute motivational interview only at the beginning of the study and received nicotine replacement patches for 12 weeks. Participants in group-I were told their lung ages and their CVD risk’ values at the beginning of the study. Results: At evaluation-1, there were non-significant differences in the exhaled carbon oxide level (p=0.79), smoking duration (p=0.48), smoking intensity (p= 0.25), lung ages (p=0.61), and the CVD risks (p= 0.67) between group-I and II. At evaluation-2; there were significant differences in the smoking quit rates (26.87% versus 12.7%; P=0.04), and at evaluation3 (22.39% and 7.94%; P=0.02) between groups-I and II respectively, in favor of the study group-I. Conclusion: Lung age and CVD risk screening biofeedback is an effective approach to significantly increase the smoking quit rate in the smokers’ older adults.

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