Volume 16 | Issue 2
Volume 16 | Issue 2
Volume 16 | Issue 1
Volume 16 | Issue 1
Volume 16 | Issue 1
The present study describes a case of 45-year-old female who was diagnosed with chronic migraine and had taken allopathic treatment for the past 2 years but there was no relief in headache duration and intensity. The headache was severe in intensity (9/10 according to the Numeric Pain Rating Scale), MIDAS Grade IV (MIDAS Score-25 Severe Disability) throbbing in character, usually last for 2-3 days and often associated with nausea and vomiting. However, the patient got relieved after using Unani formulations as a regular preventive therapy, and add-on therapy in case of persistent poor control and maintenance therapy. The drugs which had given to the patient are the drugs which are used in Warm-e-Tajawif-i-Anf Muzmin (chronic sinusitis) but in classical books, it is mentioned that these drugs are equally effective in Suda-i-Dimaghi (headache). After 6 months of Unani treatment, headache frequency was reduced to once weekly. And duration was reduced to 5-6 hours in a week. The intensity of pain was mild to moderate in nature (4/10 according to the Numeric Pain Rating Scale) and MIDAS Grade II (MIDAS Mild Disability Score-7). Treatment was also found to be effective in treating insomnia, GAD (generalised anxiety disorder) and depression associated with chronic migraine; hence, improving the quality of life of the patient.