Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Ensuring The Interaction of Medical Specialists and Geriatric Patients in Modern Conditions

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Khiadi Magomet-Salievna Ozaeva* , Aleksandr Avtandilovich Diasamidze ,Roman Aleksandrovich Zamiatin ,Tikhon Maksimovich Makarchuk ,Adamir Erkinovich Asrorov ,Marat Rafaelevich Ageev
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.02.34


The article examines the features of ensuring the interaction of medical specialists and geriatric patients in modern conditions. According to the author, the interaction between doctors and geriatric patients is an important aspect of elderly care. This helps to ensure a better quality of life, reduce the risks of developing diseases and improve treatment outcomes. Doctors should take into account the unique needs of geriatric patients and work closely with specialists from other fields to ensure the best outcome for each patient.

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