Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Formation of University Teacher's Readiness to Use Electronic Information and Education Environment

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Andrey V. Leifa , Natalia N. Dvoeryadkina, Tatyana A. Yurieva
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.10


The problem under study is current and relevant due to the contradiction between the understanding of the need to digitalize the educational process, to overcome the "digital gap" in the student-teacher relationship, and the lack of an effective method for improving the skills of the teaching staff that allows them to organize their professional activities using digital technologies. The teaching load of the university teacher, the variety of digital technologies and methods of their use in the educational process do not allow to organize advanced training courses in a mode parallel to the main educational process of the university and in isolation from the electronic information and education environment of the institution. In this regard, this article is aimed at testing the hypothesis that the successful digitalization of the educational process in a separate educational institution is facilitated by mass training courses organized with direct immersion of participants in the digital environment. The leading method of studying this problem was a pedagogical experiment conducted among university teachers and students, which allowed us to identify a positive trend in the readiness of teachers to use the possibilities of the electronic information and education environment of the university based on the results of the proposed method.

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