Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Dietary Measures Followed During Covid - 19 Among Middle and High School Children from A Private School in Chennai

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Akifa begum , Dr. L. Keerthi Sasanka* , Dr. G. Sridevi , Dr. Subabaratamaiti
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.04.11


The need of consuming healthy foods which improve the immune system, which is an imperative habit adapted by most of the nations with the spread of the infection COVID-19. While there are no specific foods that can help protect the person from the virus, a nutritious diet can boost your immune system or help you fight off symptoms. The aim of the present study is to analyse the knowledge and awareness on the dietary measures followed during COVID -19 among children. A cross sectional survey was conducted among the children of age group 10-18 years about the dietary measures followed by them during COVID - 19. The questionnaire was distributed through the google forms website to around 100 children. The data was collected and analysed using SPSS Software and Perason’s Chi square test was also done. According to the results, 60.2% of the participants are following a healthy diet during this lockdown period and 39.8% are not following. The chi square test was done associating the gender with the dietary patterns followed during the Covid 19 pandemic.This study concludes that the children are aware and having knowledge on the dietary measures to be followed during COVID - 19.

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