Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Minimally Invasive Surgery: Features, Opportunities, Prospects

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Elita A. Tsitsaeva, Madina M. Goplacheva, Anastasia O. Rastorgueva, Ildus R. Khasanov, Ivan V. Kuznecov
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.02.15


In modern conditions, approaches to performing surgical interventions have undergone significant changes. Among various innovative techniques, minimally invasive surgery rightfully occupies one of the leading places, since it allows to reduce the time of the operation, increase the speed of recovery of the patient after the intervention, reduce the risk of postoperative complications, etc.By now, minimally invasive surgery has been adopted by medical specialists from various industries, since with its help it is possible not only to solve the main task – to restore the patient’s lost health, but also to optimize the operational process itself, increasing its efficiency. For this reason, it is of interest to consider the features of minimally invasive surgical technologies, their capabilities in various specialized medical areas, as well as prospects for future use

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