Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Pedagogical Ideas and System of Eastern Galicia in the Second Half of the Xixth Century on an Example of the Professional Activity of “TOWARZYSTWA PEDAGOGICZNEGO WE LWOWІE”

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Berest I., Berest R., Pasichnyk M., Zachepa A., Zubko N.
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.01.42


On the basis of the methods of scientific and pedagogical research, the principle of historicism, system analysis, structural functionalism and empirical methods of pedagogical research, the article analyzes the activities of the first labour organization of the pedagogical direction "Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne we Lwowie" in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, which became not only a local unifying body, but also a scientific and professional association of educators of the region. The contemporary condition as well as a development of historiography of an issue, the history of educational and trade union movement are analyzed, the theory of development of pedagogy of the nineteenth century is researched, the names of the founders of the Society have been established, the environment of educators of the last quarter of the nineteenth century were involved insolving process of the common problems for all segments of the population, as a result, a new movement was introduced in order to implement an affordable education to all those who desired, as well as the material and moral support of their own employees. It is demonstrated the interest and assistance of the reginal authorities in the development of education, science and culture.

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