Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Philosophy And Policy: The Russian Philosophy Of The Silver Age "In The Situation"

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Maltsev Konstantin Gennadyevich , Zhdanova Irina Vadimovna
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.06


Topical issues of interrelation of philosophy and policy are considered on the example of contradictory relationship of the Russian philosophy of "the silver age" and the Russian revolutionary movement. The purpose was to show impossibility "shortly to close" (P.B. Struve) philosophy on the solution of problems of practical policy. Attempts to interpret current political problems in the horizon of "the universal fight of the good and evil" (S.N. Bulgakov) which have to be proved in "positive belief" could not be successful; as a result of the conducted research features of the Russian philosophy of a boundary of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries are revealed (the most important of which, in the relation to article subject, are called: the claim for "spiritual guidance" acquired from Vl. Solovyev and from L. Tolstoy tendency to a sermon, defined failure in the solution of the task relying it (philosophy) of the major: to equip policy on the basis of "obligatory universal outlook" (N.A. Berdyaev), unities of political, national and philosophical and religious tradition. The "World outlook nature" of the Russian philosophy of "the silver age" based on "selfunderstanding" of the essence and the main objectives in many respects caused its extreneity modern to it to "public consciousness". Consecutive and basic differentiation (N.A. Berdyaev) of "political" and "philosophical" has to precede efforts on designing on the basis of their synthesis of political tradition, contrary to the haste shown in work of the Russian philosophy of "the silver age"; the philosophical journalism in itself is not suitable means for the solution of the called task in any way (and there is no business of the philosophy); this conclusion is relevant for political realities of our time.

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