Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Physical Therapy Cross-Sectional Study on the Effect of Covid-19 on Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults

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Anwar A. Ebid PhD, PT, Sultan H. Al-Asmari, PT, Azoof S. Al-Qethami, HA, Majed M. Al-Keredmi , PT, Ibrahim A. Jan PT, Majed M. AL-Jabri PT, Ibrahim A. Alramadhanj PT, Raed S. Almalki PT, Mohammed S. Jamal PT, Mohamed S. Younis PhD
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.02.21


Background: Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has triggered unparalleled worldwide health and economic calamity. Purpose: To investigate the effects of COVID-19 on the quality of life (QoL) in the general Saudi population and assess the influence of perceived social support. Design: Cross-sectional research was carried out on a sample of Saudi Arabian individuals. Participants: Three-hundred-forty-seven adults voluntarily participated in and completed the survey. Methods: This cross-sectional study used a nameless online survey. Outcome measures: QoL was measured using the Short-Form 36-item Survey (SF-36). The SF-36 comprises 36 measures that assess subjective mental, social, and physical health. Data analysis: Two multiple regression analyses were performed on all 35 variables and one response. Result: Most respondents are neutral about the effect of the COVID-19 infection on their overall health. Regarding their feelings, the average respondent has been nervous, energized, depressed, calm, faithful, sad, frustrated, tired and has had a physiological problem during the 4-weeks infection period. Conclusion: We detected a statistically significant correlation between the COVID-19 score and the QoL score. These results demonstrate how significantly COVID-19 has impacted the QoL domains.

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