Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Preparation of Mouthwash Using Musa Sapientum Mediated Silver Nanoparticles - Cytotoxic Effects

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ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2021.12.03.06


Introduction: Musa sapientum belongs to the musaceae family and is most commonly known as banana. It is an edible fruit which is a large herbaceous and flowering plant seen in tropical and subtropical areas. It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and excess menstruation. It has properties such as antiulcerant, antibacterial, wound healing property, antiallergic. As it has properties like antimicrobial, antibacterial and bacteriostatic it can be used in the preparation of mouthwash. Aim: To prepare mouthwash using Musa sapientum mediated silver nanoparticles and its cytotoxic effects. Materials And Methods: 1g of Musa was measured and 100ml of distilled water was measured. Both were mixed together to make the aqueous extract. To that 10 nauplii were slowly added and the cytotoxic activity is analysed by the number of live nauplii counts. Results: First day, Nauplii were grown in the medium. Nauplii hatch out after 24 hours. Second day, Mouthwash was added according to the concentration. Nauplii were collected and for each concentration 10 nauplii were added. After adding the nauplii, keep the cytotoxicity well aside undisturbed for one full day to analyze the inhibition of growth. Third day, nauplii were counted and cytotoxicity of mouthwash was evaluated. Conclusion: Musa sapientem possess properties like anti bacterial, antimicrobial and bacteriostatic activity. It has good cytotoxicity and therefore it can be used in the preparation of mouthwash and can also be used commercially. Medicinal plants cure many diseases. Application of medicinal plants in the field of medicine should be improved.

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