Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Problems of Preventing Crimes Related to the Killing by a Mother of her Newborn Child in Russia: Geographical and Criminological Analysis

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Abdulvaliev Almaz Firzyarovich , Morozov Victor Ivanovich, Pavlenko Oksana Vyacheslavovna
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.12


This article focuses on the study of the specifics of crimes committed in the regions of the Russian Federation related to the killing by a mother of her newborn child, and the solution of problems of preventing such criminal acts in urban and rural settlements of the country. It also compares the positions of foreign and domestic scholars on the number of neonaticide in Russia and in Western countries. The uniqueness and novelty of the study lies in the application of geographical methods in the study of neonaticide in the territory of the Russian Federation. These methods allowed us to take a fresh look at such criminal acts and to obtain interesting results. Most often, neonaticide was recorded in those regions with a low level of income and low wages of the population. Geographically, neonaticide has spread in industrial areas of country, areas with a high population density and in areas along which there are main roads and navigable rivers. The article provides an analysis of a number of reasons that impede the prevention of neonaticide both in individual regions and throughout the country as a whole. The authors consider the lack of proper education and family upbringing of the younger generation, the low financial situation of the population and the absence of federal targeted programs for the development and strengthening of the family and the prevention of neonaticide as pressing problems in crime prevention. The authors propose ideas for improving the practice of preventing neonaticide, including taking into account the special geographical conditions of the Russian Federation.

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