Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Provision of Medical Care to Underage Patients Suffering from Diseases of the Endocrine System in Conditions of the Spread of Coronavirus Infection

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Deshi A. Temirsultanova, Anzhelika A. Voloshina, Ekaterina S. Chikisheva, Dali B.Kodzoeva, Yana R. Goncharova
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.03.08


The article examines the possibilities of providing medical care to underage patients suffering from diseases of the endocrine system in conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection. It was determined that due to the still rather high incidence of COVID-19 worldwide, it is important for pediatric endocrinologists to know about the interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with the endocrine system and the peculiarities of managing patients with concomitant diseases who have developed COVID-19 disease. Despite the fact that children and adults have common risk factors that affect the risk of complications in SARS-CoV-2 infection, it becomes clear that the responses in the pediatric population differ, and the results of studies for adults cannot be extrapolated. Among children and adolescents, the majority of chronic patients are pediatric endocrine patients with diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases and obesity. Providing assistance to such patients, especially if they have symptoms of coronavirus infection, both in a hospital setting and remotely, is one of the main activities of modern pediatric endocrinology.

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