Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Simulation Method in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

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Tikhonovich Tatiana Igorevna, Rev Kadigamuwe Anuruddha Thero , Baryshnikova Elena Nikolaevna
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.04


In connection with a significant shift in educational processes towards computerization and internetization, the content and methodological approaches to teaching foreign languages have changed. The article considers the simulation method as part of communicative-oriented teaching. The purpose of this method in the modern educational environment is to provide experience that is as close as possible to “real life”, where, using simulation, situations are created that allow students to “plunge” into the scenario and try out alternative strategies. The objective of the simulation method is to relieve stress and overcome the psychological barrier, which lead to the rapid acquisition of a foreign language. As an example, the article cites the Internet resource of linguo-didactic orientation “Time to speak Russian”. It is intended for foreign students studying the Russian language, for their independent work, or for teachers while preparing for classes. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that traditional teaching methods are gradually fading into the background, and new, more modern technologies are replacing them.

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