Online ISSN: 2577-5669

The Application of Online Health Resources by the Population in Adverse Epidemiological Conditions

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Mariia S. Soboleva
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.01.01


There are a significant number of studies around the world on the use of telemedicine and online resources in medical practice, but data on the population use limited. In the context of the pandemic, it is possible to predict an increase in demand for the use of digital technologies for medical care, especially among the main Internet users - young people. The aim of the study is to analyze the attitude of patients to the use of online resources in obtaining medical care in the pandemic 2020-2021. Material and methods: sociological survey of the population (n = 726) using the Google Forms service. Results: much of the population surveyed prefers to seek help directly from a medical organization, rarely using online counselling. Modern Internet resources are used to self-evaluate the state of health and «check» prescribed drugs once every 3-4 months. Online consultation of a medical specialist is more often perceived as an alternative source of information or as an addition to a direct visit. More than a third of patients follow doctor’s prescription partially even after a direct visit to the doctor, and in the case of online consultations, compliance is reliably correlated with the attitude towards her. Conclusion: the use of online technology to obtain medical care remains limited and is often negatively perceived by the population.

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