Online ISSN: 2577-5669

The Psychosocial and Economic Effect of Attending Postgraduate Study Programs among Working Married Female Nurse on their Families’ Life

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Aliaa Mohamed Othman Elafandy, Rana Saied Abd El Halim Ibrahim, Sahar Mahmoud Said Ahmed
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.05.35


Background: Attending postgraduate study programs can positively and negatively affect psychosocial and economic among working female nurses on their families life; Aim: To assess the Psychosocial and economic effects of Attending Postgraduate Study Programs among Working married female nurses on their Family's Life. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized. Setting: This study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Postgraduate Study Department, Helwan University campus. Sample: A purposive sample of 150 working married female nurses. Tool: One tool was utilized to collect data; a structured interview questionnaire divided into 4 parts: Part 1: demographic characteristics. Part 2: Social Effects. Part 3: Psychological Effects, and Part 4: Economic Effects of Attending Postgraduate Study Programs among working married female nurses on their family's life. Results: 91.3%, 62.7% and 100% of them represent the total social, psychological, and economic effect on women. Also, 93.3%, 96%, and 77.3% of them represent the social effects, psychological effects, and economic effects, on their families’ lives. Conclusion: There was a statistically significant relationship between total psychological effect scores, total social effect scores, and total economic effect scores on working married female nurses attending postgraduate study programs. Also, there was a statistically significant relationship between total family social effects scores of attending the study programs from the studied working married female point of view, and total family psychological and economic effects. Recommendations: Develop a counseling program for a post-graduate study program among working married female nurse to improve their psychosocial and economic effect and improve their family's life.

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