Online ISSN: 2577-5669

The Role of Virtual Technologies in Surgical Practice in the Era of COVID-19 Development

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Maka A. Elgakaeva, Amina A. Toldieva,Anna S. Golikova, David S. U. Asanov, Vladislav V. Ivanov, Firuzjon B. Kholmatov
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.01.13


The development of coronavirus infection has put all other diseases on the back burner, including routine surgical operations. However, delaying the timing of surgical intervention also negatively affects the health of patients, as the development of the disease continues. In addition, individual patients who are being treated at home for a number of reasons also need the advice of a professional surgeon, and it is not always possible to conduct such a consultation in person with the current period of pandemic development. For this reason, the need for surgical intervention, as well as the organization of patient consulting should be carried out in modern conditions, taking into account compliance with certain safety measures for the health of the doctor and the patient. This task can be solved by using virtual technologies in surgical practice, which contribute to the possibility of organizing remote surgical care and allow realizing medical potential in compliance with antiviral protection measures.

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