Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Treatment at Home and Increasing Quality of Life for Cancer Patients in Bai Chay Hospital of Quang NINH

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Nguyen T. Hung, Dinh T. N. Huy, Tran T. T. Phuong, Ninh T. Nhung
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.04.18


For better cancer treatment, Quang Ninh-Bai Chay hospital has also focused on investing in specialized technology and Radiation Oncology Center, as well as providing methods helping treatment patients at home. Studies showed that Roles of nurses and nursing is important in supporting cancer patient treatment. This paper aims to present research results of cancer treatment. The quality of life of patients at levels of no effect, little influence, much influence and great influence all accounted for 25%. The highest ratio of 40.5% belong to patients no underlying diseases (not influence). And then, the lowest ratio of 19.1% is belong to patients no underlying disease with little influence (or with very much influence). Chay Hospital, has gradually effectively exploited the facilities, equipment and invested human resources to provide quality medical services. Diagnosis of cancer is only complete, accurate and valid when the results of histopathological diagnosis are available. Therefore, surgery is the only means of obtaining specimens. From there, it is possible to determine the exact stage of the disease to be able to treat the disease most effectively. In addition, surgery in palliative care, plastic surgery, and recovery of lesions can help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life for cancer patients.

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