Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Treatment of wound Infection in case of Gunshot Wounds and Objective Criteria of its Effectiveness

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Ataev, A. P., Ataeva L. A., Ataev E. A., Magaramov M. A., Mirzoev, N. E.
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.02.06


Annotation. The analysis of complex treatment of 48 patients with infectious complications of gunshot wounds of the extremities was carried out. In 30 patients - using the method of treatment developed by the authors (RF patent No. 2281126). For an objective assessment of the applied treatment method, the following criteria were used: clinical and biochemical blood tests, microbiological, cytological and immunological studies. Studies of the functional activity of the B-system of lymphocytes showed that patients with wound infection have a significant decrease in class M and G immuglobulins. The combination of hyperbaric oxygenation with ultraviolet blood irradiation has a pronounced bactericidal and detoxifying effect, and also accelerates the recovery of the body’s detoxification function, creating optimal conditions for wound healing.The proposed method of treatment improves the results of treatment and reduces possible complications.

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