Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Urinary Incontinence, Kegel Exercises, Core Training and Collagen - A Systematic Review

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İbrahim K. Turkay* , Gurhan Suna
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.02.26


Urinary incontinence, with its scientific name, is the inability of the individual to control the urine. It is a common problem worldwide. This problem is twice as common in women as in men. This problem occurs more in old age. There are two types of muscle fibers in the pelvic diaphragm muscles. The first are slow-twitch type 1 fibers and are responsible for providing the tonic support of the pelvic structures. The second type of fibers are fast-twitch type 2 fibers and play a role in balancing intra-abdominal sudden pressure increases. It is absolutely inevitable that the pelvic floor anatomy should be well known, since the pelvic floor muscles undertake tasks such as holding urine and providing coordination by relaxing during voiding. Pelvic fascia is rich in elastic tissue and smooth muscle in addition to collagen. It plays an active role in the support of the pelvic organs and the functions of these organs. For this reason, it is thought that exercising the abdominal region muscles and pelvic region muscles in the problem of urinary incontinence will significantly support the prevention of the problem in individuals with this problem, and regular use of collagen will also benefit the individual in the fight against this ailment. AIM: The purpose of this scientific review is to review the existing literature on related research on the relationship between urinary incontinence, Kegel exercises applied to prevent urinary incontinence, Core Training and Collagen use. In addition to Kegel exercises applied to individuals in urinary incontinence disorders, Core area training and collagen use is to provide scientific support and guide to positively change the course of the disease. METHODS: The research was carried out with document analysis and scanning model. Document analysis involves the analysis of written materials containing information about the case or cases intended to be investigated. In the study, a literature review was conducted on urinary incontinence, Kegel exercises, Core training and Collagen. In the literature search, reliable science-based indexes such as Elseiver, Springer, Google Scholar, Pub Med, Med Gen, Tübitak, Yok National Thesis Center and Dergi Park were searched. RESULTS: In this review, the causes of urinary incontinence, its types, which gender it is more effective and treatment methods are presented as a result of literature review. In addition, Kegel exercises, which are at the beginning of the treatment methods, and supporting Core exercises are given as examples. CONCLUSION: In conclusion; Urinary incontinence, which is defined as urinary incontinence, is a disorder that is more common in women than in men. For this reason, it is important for women to take precautions especially in the face of situations that cause this ailment. Especially in the fight against this ailment, it can be recommended to apply Kegel exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, as well as to perform core training that provides the strength of the abdominal region to support this region and to work the internal balance muscles, and to use the collagen that is structurally in the pelvic fascia as a supportive nutrient.

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