Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Artificial Intelligence in The Diagnosis of Diseases of Various Origins

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Kristina Olegovna Ryzhova* ,A. V. Yumashev ,Margarita Dmitrievna Klimova ,Roman Viktorovich Osin ,Elena Sergeevna Gracheva ,Anastasia Dymchishina
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2023.14.02.31


The article discusses the features of the use of artificial intelligence capabilities in the diagnosis of diseases of various genesis. The author notes that the use of AI in medical diagnostics can improve its accuracy and increase the speed of detection of diseases, which can lead to more effective treatment and increase the chances of recovery of the patient. Medical professionals may need less time to analyze the patient's medical data, as AI can process them faster and more efficiently, which allows them to devote more time to patients and improve the quality of medical care. Continuous improvement of AI technologies and their adaptation to medical practice can improve the results of diagnosis and patient care, reduce healthcare costs and increase the chances of recovery.

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