Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Compensatory and adaptive changes in the dental alveolar complex in case of insufficient jaw size

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N.V. Popova* , O.I. Arsenina , K.M. Shishkin , А.V. Popova
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.34


The research is based on an analysis of 1800 CT scans performed in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment since 2007 up to 2020. Various adaptive dentoalveolar changes by insufficient sizes of jaws the insufficient size of jaws and differences in the muscular-articulate balance were identified and systemized in four groups: (1) Adaptation of teeth position associated with jaw size insufficiency; (2) Adaptation of alveolar bone associated with jaw size insufficiency; (3) Adaptation of teeth position associated with muscle-articular balance; (4) Adaptation of teeth associated with space efficiency during the development process. Hence adaptive changes involve all dental alveolar structures influencing orthodontic treatment planning. Some of the changes may not be corrected.

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