Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Patient Reported Effects of self-help Eurythmy Therapy managing Covid-19-Illness – A Case-Vignette

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Katharina Gerlach
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.01.22


Introduction: Mild course COVID-19 patients are mostly managed at home and need next to correct medication appropriate techniques to deal with their symptoms. Methods: A 23-year old male performed self-administered Eurythmy Therapy exercises during 14 days quarantine and afterwards in rehabilitation. Results: The patient reported positive effect in terms of relaxation or vitalization of Eurythmy Therapy exercises on COVID-19 symptoms: headache, fatigue, dsypnoea, chest pain, body tension and asthenia. Discussion/Conclusion: Eurythmy Therapy exercises might be helpful managing COVID-19 symptoms and can be applied on a self-help basis

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