Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Preference of Fixed partial denture in aesthetic anterior vs functional posterior regions of patients.

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Ahmed Hilal Sheriff , Rakshagan V
» doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.04.15


The fixed partial denture has been regarded as the standard of replacement of single or multiple missing teeth over the years. Esthetic and functional replacement of the missing anterior teeth plays a major role and is quite challenging. Most common cause of missing anterior teeth is due trauma. Failure to replace a missing posterior tooth may result in disruption of the occlusion and making it difficult to replace in the future as the adjacent tooth might tilt or extrusion of the opposing teeth may occur. This was a retrospective study which was performed in a university setting where the required data of patients treated for fixed partial denture patients in the department of prosthodontics at a private teaching hospital, Chennai from June 2019 to March 2020, was collected by reviewing patients records and the analysis of data of 86000 patients. The collected data was cross verified using photographs, reviewed by a reviewing expert and tabulated in Microsoft excel . The Sample size of the study included n=809 fixed partial dentures fabricated for 632 patients which included 343 male patients and 289 female patients with a mean age of 38.41土12.5. The number of fixed partial dentures fabricated in the anterior region n=391, posterior region n=418.The tabulated data was imported to SPSS software ( statistical package for social studies ) version 22.0 ( IBM corporation ) for statistical analysis . To minimize sampling bias, collection of data was done by simple random sampling methods within the university. There is high internal validity and low external validity. Incomplete , censored and repeated data were excluded from the study. Total number of patients involved in this study included 632 patients of which 343 male patients and 289 female patients with a mean age of 38.41土12.5. The total number of fixed partial dentures fabricated for 632 patients were n=809 of which 48.3% of the fixed partial dentures were fabricated for the anterior region while 51.7% were fabricated for the posterior region. Association between gender and age with site of fixed partial denture showed statistical significance with males commonly treated for anterior fixed partial denture and females mostly for posterior region, while with regard to age the fixed partial denture was mostly fabricated among the age group of 31 to 50 years old patients. From this study it can be observed that most of the patients were treated for fixed partial denture in the posterior region (n=418) than anterior region.

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