Online ISSN: 2577-5669

Preparation of Herbal Formulation of Stevia and Piper Longum and its Antiinflammatory and Cytotoxic Effect

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M. Vignesh, S. Rajeshkumar, Anitha Roy, T.Lakshmi
ยป doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2022.13.02.17


AIM: The aim of the study was to prepare the herbal formulation of stevia and the piper longum nanoparticle and to evaluate its anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic effects. Materials and Methods: For the evaluation of antiinflammatory activity we used albumin denaturation assay and for the cytotoxic activity we used a brine shrimp lethality assay and evaluated the result according to the test results and the graph was made with the results Result : The nanoparticle of stevia and piper longum showed a marked anti inflammatory and cytotoxic activity with increased in their concentrations Conclusion: Stevia and piper longum nanoparticle markedly increase the anti inflammatory and cytotoxic activity compared to the standard and should be employed as a formulations

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